
Conferences and meetings

„The world of long noncoding RNAs: more questions than answers”
Lecture for Polish Genetic Society
, 14.02.2024 (invited speaker).

„Catch me if you can: identification of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
Weill Cornell Medicine
, NYC, United States, 21.07.2023 (invited speaker).

„Identification of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
GENCODE Scientific Advisory Board
, Bethesda, USA 18-19.07.2023 (progress report).

„The hunt for dark DNA: identification of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology
, Cracow, Poland, 19.06.2023 (diamond seminar, invited speaker).

„The hunt for dark DNA: identification of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
The Biochemistry Global Summit
, Lisbon, Portugal, 10.07.2022 (invited speaker, co-chair of genomic session).

“Are lncRNAs functional?”
Lecture for Polish Biochemical Society, 26.11.2021 (invited speaker).

„Improving annotation of mammalian lncRNA orthologues in the zebrafish genome”
The Noncoding RNA World Conference
, 21-23.07.2021 (selected talk).

„Connecting RNA orthologues”
GENCODE Scientific Advisory Board
, 19-20.07.2021 (progress report).

„The hunt for dark DNA: identification of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
Brunel University, London, 17.06.2021 (invited speaker).

„Genomic characterization of human and mouse long noncoding RNAs”
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poznań, Poland, 26.02.2020 (habilitation lecture).

„Moving in the dark: searching for long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate genomes”
University of Bern, Switzerland, 12.11.2019 (invited speaker).

„High-throughput annotation of full-length long noncoding RNAs with capture long-read sequencing (CLS) in zebrafish”
The Non-Coding Genome, Heidelberg, Germany, 13-16.10.2019 (poster presentation).

„Profiling subcellular localization of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial gene products in zebrafish”
University of Cambridge, UK, 06.2019 (invited speaker).

„DNA dark matter: identification of long noncoding RNAs”
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poznań, Poland, 12.2018 (invited speaker).

„Targeted RNA sequencing in zebrafish: Genome annotation challenges”
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poznań, Poland, 10.2018 (invited speaker).

Events popularizing science

„Dziewczyny do Nauki: Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit”

„Zostań Badaczką! Kobiety w nauce 2022”
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 18.11.2022.

„Ciemna materia genomu, czyli identyfikacja długich niekodujących RNA”
Polskie Radio Program I, 13.09.2021.

L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science Programme Gala Award Ceremony



https://www.forbes.pl/forbeswomen/polska-genetyczka-o-przelomowych-odkryciach-genow- niekodujacych-bialek/p72sj1f


